Thursday, March 26

thirty-one, thirty-two, & thirty-three

Well, I was basically dead for a few days.
Some kind of virus annihilated the college.
Almost everyone was out at some point in the last two weeks.

I tried to draw with lackluster results. This is my great-grandfather, John Baker.

I tried drawing with a nib on sketchbook paper, but the nib kept getting clogged. After cleaning paper fibers out of the nib about a dozen times, and after carving huge gouges in the paper with the clogged pen, I gave up in frustration. I'd lost my knack for drawing when I was sick.
I opted to try something "easier" -- a pencil sketch of my Granddad, John Baker, Jr.
The result was positively degenerate.
Alia thinks I should keep working into the pencil sketch, and I may try, but I feel like I'll just have to erase everything except for the eyes. I pretty much gave up drawing for a few days after this one.
Then, the other night at work I cranked out one of my uncle, Jon Baker, and I feel like I'm back in the swing of it.

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