Monday, March 30


I didn't know what to draw, so Alia said to draw a toaster.


Part of our goal of self-reliance and totally sustainable living is, of course, to buy only locally-made goods. I'm always on a quest to find the perfect art materials anyway, so we went to Collage, an arts and crafts store up on 45th and Woodstock.

The ink I've been using was made in Beaverton and so is my paper, actually. The paper brand is made by the Bee Paper Company, and even though it claims to be designed with Manga artists using Copic markers in mind, it suits my needs. Pencil erases easily, the inks and gouache neither bleed nor feather, and the paper scans in as a bright, pure, white.

Now, if I could find some locally manufactured nibs that were worth a damn, I'd be set!


Thursday, March 26


I finally broke out the brush for this one.Radio Cab is the only gas station -- that I know of --
in NW that's open 24/7,
it's the only indoor gas station around,
*and* their gas is usually pretty cheap, too!

thirty-one, thirty-two, & thirty-three

Well, I was basically dead for a few days.
Some kind of virus annihilated the college.
Almost everyone was out at some point in the last two weeks.

I tried to draw with lackluster results. This is my great-grandfather, John Baker.

I tried drawing with a nib on sketchbook paper, but the nib kept getting clogged. After cleaning paper fibers out of the nib about a dozen times, and after carving huge gouges in the paper with the clogged pen, I gave up in frustration. I'd lost my knack for drawing when I was sick.
I opted to try something "easier" -- a pencil sketch of my Granddad, John Baker, Jr.
The result was positively degenerate.
Alia thinks I should keep working into the pencil sketch, and I may try, but I feel like I'll just have to erase everything except for the eyes. I pretty much gave up drawing for a few days after this one.
Then, the other night at work I cranked out one of my uncle, Jon Baker, and I feel like I'm back in the swing of it.

Monday, March 16

Day Thirty

I'm not sure what this one is about.
I just wanted one person talking to
another person's bellybutton.

Day Twenty-Nine

This is an idea I have for a painting. I am just responding to my friends who consider themselves vegetarians even though they eat fish "occasionally."

Day Twenty-Eight

Still experimenting with the space monkey theme. I thought I'd just freehand this since the last one I tried turned out pretty sweet. This one.. not so much.

Day Twenty-Seven

We took a roadtrip down to the Southern Coast. I thought I'd draw the whole way, but it was just too bumpy. I lost interest pretty quickly.

Friday, March 13

Day Twenty-Six

another tattoo for the revolution

Day Twenty-Five

We went into Chaos Cafe tonight after dropping Lawrence off
after his going-away-party. At the cafe I found myself with a pen
but no paper. Luckily, Alia lent me her moleskin to doodle upon
while she finished her commissioned nest piece.

Day Twenty-Four

firemain pipes

Tuesday, March 10

Day Twenty-Three

I had an interesting conversation with my mother today on the telephone.
[ed.: "Gagarin"]

Day Twenty-Two

I'm reading "The Omnivore's Dilema," by Michael Pollan, and I *had*
to know what General Philip Sheridan looked like.

Day Twenty-One

Derek and Tallia used to live here.
This was Sequoia Jade's first home.

Day Twenty

It's very hard to draw a person's eye while that person is drawing your eye.

Day Nineteen

Day Eighteen

Stabbing the black heart of the establishment.

Day Seventeen

This is from the lower pedestrian walkway on the Steel Bridge.
I hear that couldn't fit in those silos.

Day Sixteen

I took the source photo while on a roadtrip a few years back.
I'm pretty sure it's somewhere in eastern California or Utah.
Or Wyoming.

Day Fifteen

se morisson and grand

Day Fourteen

I used a nib called a "super hard."
That mistake, combined with too-watery ink,
made for an ungainly drawing.

Day Thirteen

I just felt like drawing letters today.

Day Twelve

My pet turtle, Herman, ran away when I was fifteen or sixteen.
I found him in my backyard when I lived in Colorado, and of
course I brought him with me when my family moved to Kansas.
I guess the call of wild was on the Kansas wind for Herman.
I turned my back for five minutes, and he was gone.

Day Eleven

Day Ten

This is from my friend, Ruth's, FB avatar.

Day Nine

These are some logo ideas I'm working on for
*obviously* ABC Co.
Those few tattoos I've been drawing have influenced these.

Day Eight

Day Seven

image search: old tractor

Day Six

I got this image from the cover of the current PCC catalog.
It's not my best portrait..

Day Five

image search: 1940's radio
the propaganda's all mine, though

Day Four

image search: tattoo flash sugar skull

Day Three

image search: 1950's radio

Day Two

Day One

we call our spice cabinet the apothecary.